
Primary School



Friday 7th May 2021

Posted: May 6, 2021 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 4

Yet another amazing week in Year 4.  You have worked hard on your times tables and multiplication and we have really noticed this.  keep it up.  I also need to mention the amazing Mathletics from you this week.  We have kept the trophy for another week.  I wonder if we can go for a run of 3?

We have been continuing our work on the Ancient Egyptians and this has flowed over into our Literacy, when we have been taking notes about King Tutankhamun.  What an amazing hoard of treasure was found 99 Years ago!

Our Canopic jars are coming on a treat, as are our Egyptian Headdresses.  In PE we have had our coach in and despite the weather (rain and hail) we have begun to learn some batting and bowling skills in cricket.

The children have been busy in the gardens again with Mrs Pearce.  Lots of planting and digging going on now.  We can't wait to see how things grow.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.  Don't forget that your homework is on Teams (including your spellings) and you have two Mathletics assignments to work through, so have a go and keep up with your times tables.  You are impressing us!

Have a lovely weekend, keep safe and we will see you all next week.

Class 4 Team


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