
Primary School



Tuesday 14th July 2020

Posted: Jul 14, 2020 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 4

Good morning! 

I hope you all had a good day yesterday doing things that made you happy. Here are some of the photos I received of your happy things! 






Today will be my last blog for you before the summer holidays (I can't believe we are here already). The last few months have been a mixture of all sorts of emotions - lots of happiness, getting to spend so much time with family but also some sadness, missing out on seeing wider relatives and friends.

Miss Watkins and I are so very proud of you all for adapting so well in these strange times. Whether you have been following the blog and producing some wonderful work or filling your time with other creative, sporty, or imaginative activities - you are all amazing! You will forever be remembered as our little rainbow class and although we have not been able to spend as much time together as we should have, I feel as though I have got to know you all even better by seeing the fantastic things that you have been doing at home. 

I am so very excited about seeing most of you again tomorrow but for those who will not be in school, I will be coming to find you in September (like it or not!) just to say hello and have a good old natter. 

If there is one thing I have learned during the last few months is to feel grateful for what I have and that is the theme for today. 

Have a go at a gratefulness scavenger hunt: 

Thank you so much for keeping me going over the past few months; I am very grateful for being able to teach such a wonderful class! 

Have a lovely day. 

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx


Orla Jul 14, 2020

Thank you Mrs Kendal and Miss Watkins I have really enjoyed this year and I am very sad to leave. Thank you for making things still fun at home. HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS! Missing everyone badly and can't wait to be back, this time in the year five classroom. It will feel so weird to be in my school uniform again after spending so long in just a gymnastics leotard and shorts or leggins or a T-shirt and shorts! From Orla xxxxx P.S. I can't wait until all my friends can come round to see the bunnies (named Willow and Acorn,Willow the girl and Acorn the boy) they are getting very cheeky! There little binkies (where they take of the ground with all four legs, sometimes doing a full turn!) are so cute. So far the main things that they have done that is cheeky so far is peeing on my legs and t-shirt, being poo factories, pulling down their hay rack and making a HUGE mess! Miss you SOOOOOOOO much (again!) PP.S I loved all the creative lessons you gave me and I will never forget them. BYE!

Martha & Charlie Jul 14, 2020

Have a wonderful summer, Mrs Kendal - you deserve it! We have enjoyed having a go at many of the creative and exciting lessons you have planned, so thank you very much for all your hard work and emails of support. xxx