
Primary School



Friday 10th July 2020

Posted: Jul 9, 2020 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 4

Fabulous Friday For Fun Friends!

I hope that you have all had a good week.  We cannot wait to see so many of you on Wednesday, it will be such a long awaited treat for us!  I also hope that you enjoyed Virtual Sports Day yesterday.  There was lots of fun in school and the noise of children giggling and bouncing around was great!

On to today:


How are your tongues?  I hope that you can get your mouths around this:

A pale pink proud peacock pompously preened its pretty plumage.

or how about this one:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.


She sells sea shells on the sea shore.  The shells she sells are seas shells for sure.

What do you notice about them all?  Are they easy to say?

I thought that you could have a little bit of fun and have a go at writing your own tongue twisters.  If you click on this link there are a few key things that might help you.  

How to write a tongue twister

You can chose what you write about and you could do more than one.  If you like, you could video yourself saying your tongue twister.  I can't wait to give them a go!


I discovered the Guardians of Mathematica this week (BBC Bitesize).  I thought that you lovely lot would enjoy it too, if you have not already discovered it!  There are lots of different maths games and problems for you to solve.  You get to travel around a map to different mathematical areas.  See what you can do.  You could take a screen shot or take a photo of some of your activities.  Here is the link:

Guardians of Mathematica

Have fun.


We have been learning all about the Romans this half term, even though it has been remotely!  It is famously known that the Romans invented lots of different things that we still use today.  This is a link to the English Heritage site. 

English Heritage

It shows you examples of the different Roman inventions that we still use today.  Can you then write a list of the inventions, and any more you know of or can find out about and maybe draw some images of the inventions too.  You will be amazed by some of them!

Have fun today and don't forget to send in your results from Sports Day.  We hope to be able to announce the results next week.

Well done one and all and see most of you next week!

Love Miss Watkins and the Year 4 Team



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