
Primary School



Friday - 15th May 2020 - Uniform Day

Posted: May 14, 2020 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 4

Another Friday is upon us.  And the sun is due to shine all weekend despite some colder days.  Mrs Kendal and I have been in school this week.  It has been strange to be in school and not see all of you.  We do miss you.  I hope you are enjoying the tasks that we are setting you.  Please always remember that they are only guides and suggestions for you to work on.

Just a quick reminder that today is Uniform Day so please send a picture of you in your uniform.  I wonder if it still fits! 

(By sending in a photo, you consent to it being used within school and on the website.)


You know how much I love my dogs!  Here they are:

Valerie is the black one and Margret it the light brown one!


Have a go at this comprehension:


Shall we do a little more measuring?  Please have a go at the following.


Have a think about some of the animals that you have looked at in Science over the past few weeks.  You could think about any animals that you spot whilst you are on your walks around our lovely countryside.  Try to find out how you would say the name of the animal in French.  You could say it and record your voice or you could write the words down.


We should be learning all about Guru's and Sikhism.  See if you can find 4 facts about Guru's and the Sikh religion. You could write some facts down or draw some images about the religion.

Well done again and enjoy every minute of your weekend.

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team



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