
Primary School



Monday 11th May 2020

Posted: May 10, 2020 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 4

Good morning Class 4! 

I hope you have all had a wonderful, long weekend enjoying the sunshine and celebrating VE day. 

Jake and Orla looked as though they celebrated in style - here they are: 


We had our own little garden party which involved a picnic, water slide and pool. Great fun was had by all! 

Now for today's suggested activities: 


Help needed! Last night, I tried to find a book on William's bookshelf that we have not yet read - I couldn't! This gave me a little idea...

It would be lovely if this week, my wonderfully-creative class could create some new stories that I could read to Will at bedtime. 

Today I would like you to plan out a story (a storyboard or mind-map will help with this). Decide on the rough outline of your story:

  • What will your story be about?
  • Who/what will the characters be?
  • How will your story start?
  • How will your story end? 

You will also need to remember that Will is only 5, so the language doesn't need to be too complicated. Think back to some of your favourite, picture-book stories when you were younger, maybe you could use those as inspiration. If you're struggling for ideas think of a book that you have read and write the sequel. 


Symmetry - Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides are exactly the same. 

Have some fun with symmetry today! 

Using Lego, lollipop sticks, pasta, buttons or anything else that has the same size/shape pieces, can you make different shapes each with a different amount of lines of symmetry? 



How many of the following shapes can you make?

  • A shape with no lines of symmetry.
  • A shape with only 1 line of symmetry.
  • A 4 sided polygon with 4 lines of symmetry.
  • A hexagon with only 1 line of symmetry.
  • A shape with 6 lines of symmetry.


I have received some great classification keys over the last couple of weeks from some of you, now see if you can use mine! 

I hope you are not feeling squeamish today as I would like you to find a safe space to go bug hunting. 

Look carefully under stones and plant pots to see if you can spot some mini-beasts. When you find one, look closely and answer the questions on the key below: 

Then have a think about the habitat that you found each creature in and record your findings in a table like the one below: 

Remember, keep your hands away from your mouth and wash them thoroughly as soon as you have finished. Please put any creatures you find back in the same place carefully. 

Happy bug hunting! 

Purple Mash: 

I have experimented with a different format for today's Litz Blitz, have a go and see if it works a little better. Instead of a Maths daily 8, I have set a symmetry activity as a 2do.

Have a super day.

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xxx


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