
Primary School



Wednesday 1st April 2020

Posted: Apr 1, 2020 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 4

Good morning class 4! 

It's April Fool's Day and I do believe that you have until midday to play a trick on someone - let me know if you manage to catch somebody out! 

Today would have been our last day at Bradley Woods. We would have all been very tired, a little grubby and ready for a good night's sleep. Luckily for you, I'm sure this is not the case today! 

Our very last job at Bradley Woods would have been to strip our beds down. Next time your bedding is being washed, why don't you take it off of your bed and take it to the washing machine? If you want a real challenge - have a go at putting your clean duvet cover back on! 

Here are some suggestions for today's activities: 

Wildlife lovers - 

Following on from yesterday's woodland study, why not try to design and make something to help the wildlife in your outside space? 

Perhaps you could make a bird feeder from recycled materials (there are lots of examples on the internet) or a bug hotel in the corner of your garden using twigs, leaves and stones. If you have some logs and an old plastic box you could even research how to make a hedgehog house. 

Advertise your product - 

Once you have designed and made your product to help your garden wildlife, make an advertisement to encourage other people to do the same. 

Try to use the following in your advert: 

  • A catchy slogan using alliteration, similes or rhyme.
  • A hook or a promise e.g You won't be able to live without...
  • Exaggeration e.g use 'best' instead of 'good'. 
  • Eye-catching pictures.
  • Rhetorical questions e.g wouldn't you love to...? 
  • Strong adverbs.
  • Positive adjectives - make your product sound amazing.  

Have some fun - 

We would have been spending the afternoon in school today discussing our trip and playing some games in class. So dig out the board games and have some fun!

I'd really like you to have a go at Battleships - make your own! draw a grid 10 x 10 and label each square on the horizontal axis with letters from A-J. Label the vertical axis with the numbers 1-10. Next, draw out your battleships on your grid (decide how many and what size with your partner). It would be great if you could arrange to play with a friend, maybe using Zoom? This is a great way to practise using co-ordinates (maths whilst having fun!). 

I look forward to seeing your photos - keep an eye out for yesterday's, I'll upload them today. 

Have a great day, missing you all! 


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