
Primary School



Monday - Day one 23.3.2020

Posted: Mar 22, 2020 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 4

Good morning everyone, 

What a gloriously sunny weekend we have had.  As usual, we will start our day with a chat.  What have you been up to over the weekend.  As the sun had been shining, we have spent most of it outside in the garden, chopping trees, playing and painting fences!

How does a quick PE lesson to begin with sound?  Let's get our brains and bodies woken up!  Joe Wicks is holding love PE lessons at 9am every morning on his YouTube channel.

You will find lot of other physical activities that you can dip in and out of too.

Once you have done some PE, let's move on to do some Literacy.

This morning we would like you to read a chapter of the book you are reading at home.  Can you then draw a picture of your favourite character from the story?  Don't forget to write the name of the book and the character.  Then write a clear description of the character and explain why it is your favourite, making sure that you use noun phrases, conjunctions, good punctuation and neat handwriting.  We can't wait to hear which books you are reading.

We also wondered if you would like to write a little diary entry for each day.  Just a couple of sentences about what is going on in your lives or the news would be great and an amazing record of this strange time for the future!

Ok - now take a break.  It is playtime!

Maths - Begin by going on  This is a fun online game to help with times tables.  Once you have had a go with the tables game (challenge yourself with them), have a go at a speed table.  Don't forget you only get 5 minutes and please let us know your times!

After that can you create your own times tables flash cards (for all the tables up to 12).  You will find these helpful, and you can make up lots of games using them!

LUNCHTIME - no need for bands today!  DO you think your lunch would be a green or brown band?

Topic- As we have been learning about rivers this half term, we would like you to pick a river from anywhere in the world.  Draw a clear diagram of the whole river and make sure it is clearly labelled.

End of the day - Have a go at a couple of GoNoodles - These are really fun dance activities we do at school.  You can set up your own log on.  It is free!

We know this is tricky to do at home and we don't want to make it too stressful for everyone concerned - both adults and children.  Please feel free to be in touch, we can't wait to hear from you, send us news of what you are doing and how your work is going.  You can email and comment on the blog.

Keep going!  Don't forget that we all know how amazing you are.

Keep safe!

Miss Watkins, Mrs Kendal, Mrs Kewley and Mrs Scott



Sarah Mar 23, 2020

How lovely to hear from you all! Keep the comments coming, they make me smile! Well done for spotting so many rainbows Orla - we filled our window at home with painted rainbows today. Mum school sounds amazing Charlie! Enjoy every minute and don't forget to tell me all about it. Missing you all xx

Zoe Mar 23, 2020

You are all superstars! The Lunch options in our house were - Ploughman's or chicken sandwich! Keep working hard and smiling! Look out for rainbows everywhere!

Orla Mar 23, 2020

I just got 2:31 on speed tables not as good as Friday I think mummy’s stopwatch is a bit slow! I have written a 2 page story on a picture from pobble and all the work set by you

Brooke Bissett Mar 23, 2020


Charlie mclean Mar 23, 2020

In the after noon I'm only doing mum school so I'm only doing the set work in the morning

Euan Moncreiff Mar 23, 2020

Euan says: Please can you tell me what the lunch options are??!! But he’ll go brown, apparently he’s usually a brown band!!

Orla Flynn Mar 23, 2020

This is the first weekend I have not had gymnastics in about 3 years, so I did lots of practice at home. We did a walk around the village looking for peoples rainbows we found 9, then we did some gardening, I have planted some sunflowers, cornflowers and delphiniums.