
Primary School



This week in Class 4.

Posted: Apr 27, 2018 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 4

Good afternoon,

We've had a busy week in Class 4 this week, starting new topics in geography and English.

In English, we have tried out a drama technique, using freeze-frames to express the feelings of characters in the myth of Romulus and Remus. In geography we are starting to look at the water cycle, so we conducted some experiments involving water that were designed to get us thinking about where water goes when we are done with it.

The homework this week is as follows:

1.) Maths IXL T3 and T12 on reading clocks and 24 hour time. Some children may find T3 easier, some may find it harder. Everyone can have a go!

2.) English IXL H1 and H2 on coordinating conjunctions.

Please can the IXL be completed by next Friday.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mr. Kershaw


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