
Primary School


Class 1 Blog 



Hot and cold places

Posted: Oct 18, 2023 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 1

20th October 2023

During the past two weeks in art, we have been finishing our hot and cold colour washes. We looked closely at animals that live in these places and created detailed drawings of a variety of animals. We then cut them out and stuck them onto our colour washes. We decided that these paintings made us feel very differently, depending on which we were looking at. We felt nice and warm looking at the hot colour washes and cooler when looking at the cold colour washes. 




At the start of a new school year, the school chooses new house captains for our houses; Pitcher, Booth, Hayley-Porteous and Stewart. Children in Year 6 wrote speeches if they were interested in running for these roles and recorded them for us to watch. In class, we listened to the speeches, which were fantastic, and then democratically voted for who we thought would make a good house captain. Our votes were put with the results of the other classes in school and the house captain and vice-captain were announced in assembly on Friday. 

In RE we have been talking about stories and what we can learn from them, as part of our learning about special books. We looked at The Hare and the Tortoise, and then The Good Samaritan.

Have a good rest, ready for the last week of the first half term in Year One!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx


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