
Primary School


Class 1 Blog 



Amazing atlases!

Posted: Oct 9, 2023 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 1

13th October 2023

In geography this week, we used an atlas to located the Amazon Rainforest as part of our hot and cold places topic. We discovered that most rainforests are near the equator which makes the climate topical. We then compared forest that are found in the United Kingdom to the Amazon Rainforest.  


What a wonderful Autumn morning we had in the woods!  We sorted lots of different kinds of seeds; conkers, acorns and pine cones and then pretended to be squirrels hiding acorns to eat when Winter comes. While we had our snack we read a really funny story about two squirrels who were chasing the same pine cone. Some of us made squirrel swing using our knot tying skills, we cooked up a squirrel feast in our mud kitchen and used our engineering ideas to think of ways to transport the nuts down the hill. Before we came in for lunch we tried to remember where we had hidden our acorns. Now we know how clever squirrels are!



In maths, we have been learning about part-whole models and how they can help us with our addition. We also learnt how to write number sentences with the plus symbol, +, and the equal to symbol, =. 


I hope the weather dries up for you this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx


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