
Primary School


Class 1 Blog 



Amazing animals!

Posted: Feb 3, 2023 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 1

3rd February 2023

In English, we have been starting to look at the Night Zoo Keeper by Joshua Davidson. We have thought of out own aniamls that we could find in the night zoo and thought of the perfect setting for them. We have some very talented animals in our night zoo! 



Our outdoor learning book this week was Jack Frost by Kazuno Kohara  and it looked like he had been visiting our forest! We found some enormous blocks of ice and had great fun investigating them using all of our senses. We thought about the birds who struggle to find food in the cold weather and played a wiggly worm predator/prey game which helped us practise our knot tying skills and learn about camouflage as well!  



Have a great weekend! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx


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