
Primary School


Class 4 Blog


Friday 27th May

Posted: May 27, 2022 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are all very much looking forwards to a restful week next week. Let's hope the weather is kind to us all and the sun shines all week. 

The children have worked incredibly hard, as always! They have particularly enjoyed their science this week. We have been creating electrical circuits! The children have loved every single minute! They have enjoyed predicting whether circuits would work and have then created them and tested them! They have also conducted an investigation to determine which materials are conductors of electricity and which are insulators. They loved it!! I have added a few photos below!

The children have been very busy completing fact files on the Ancient Egyptians too! They have enjoyed researching using the computers and a wide range of non-fiction texts and have all developed a fabulous knowledge of Ancient Egyptian life.

We have all had a wonderful day today; celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating fabulous collages of the Queen; they look amazing! They also created their own union jacks and loved waving them during our amazing 'Proms in the Playground'! The children have all worked so hard all week practising their song and performed it so beautifully today. Miss Hewitt and myself were so very proud of them all. The whole event was fantastic; a great memory for the children!

Have a super week with your lovely children!

See you on Tuesday 7th!

Mrs Matthews & Miss Hewitt


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