
Primary School


Class 6


Week ending Friday 11th June

Posted: Jun 10, 2021 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

The first week back... and it has FLOWN!

We have been writing instructions in advance of our Digital Detox, so that everybody is clear on what they can and can not do for the next week.

Maths has been revision of fractions, calculation problems and area of triangles and parallelograms.

We have been studying the differing theories of Evolution and how these theories themselves have evolved over time - discussing adaptation, variation and natural selection.

Great excitement as we embarked on the planning for Leavers' Assembly - fingers crossed!

The perfect spring PE lessons: Rounders and Orienteering have rounded off a lovely week.

Enjoy the weekend; let's hope the sun comes back out.

MrC, Mrs J, Miss H and team.


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