
Primary School


2013/14 statement

Netherthong Primary School Pupil Premium Statement 2013-2014


Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional school funding from the Government to provide additional support to pupils on roll from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) or those pupils who have been in receipt of FSM in the past six years.This funding is also available for pupils in Local Authority care who have who have been looked after for more than six months.Schools are free spend the Pupil Premium as they choose.

Allocation: details:

2011 – 2012 allocation - £4880 - Percentage of pupils supported: 4.7%

2012 – 2013 allocation - £5571 - Percentage of pupils supported: 4.2%

2013 – 2014 allocation - £9900 - Percentage of pupils to be supported:5%

How Pupil Premium has been spent in 2013 - 2014




Teaching and learning interventions



Ruth Miskin Phonics intervention KS1&2

(Fresh Start phonics/reading intervention in KS2)

Small group interventions in numeracy and Literacy

Cost of 8 Skilled Learning support from 8.30 – 9.00am

3.15 – 3.30 pm

Daily intervention groups supporting pupils in phonics, maths, reading and spelling – the majority of pupils have shown increased confidence in their own abilities and after a term of intervention this has impacted on their rate of progress; self-esteem and motivation.

  1. tuition for targeted pupils

(Individual targeted support for KS1 & KS2 pupils in Literacy and Numeracy)

Cost of additional teacher hours

Identified pupils made good progress in areas targeted; this was evident in teacher assessment ,test data, pupil perseverance, enthusiasm and increased self-esteem

Extra-curricular activities

Club fees

Increased pupil skills, enjoyment, confidence, team working and self-esteem

Nurture interventions

Learning Mentor to continue to provide nurture support in a 1:1 and small group situation to address emotional and social concerns.

Support for families during crisis.

Cost of Learning Mentor support

Well-being of all vulnerable pupils addressed.  Improved behaviour. Decrease in friendship issues, confident happy pupils who feel safe and cared for.

Early identification of early signs of emotional/social issues and strategies developed and implemented to support pupils.