
Primary School



Homework due Friday 4th October

Posted: Sep 28, 2019 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 5

The Mathletics homework is on two areas we have looked at this week: rounding and multiples.

We have done a lot of work on rounding this week, as it does get difficult with larger numbers! Ask your child about the method we used this week, it does simplify it a little!

The spellings are the same as last week:

Horrible, terrible, visible, possible, sensible, responsible, credible, edible.

Also, a reminder that reading at home is part of the weekly homework. I have just finished reading The Boy at the Back of the Class, which was a great read. A few of the children have read it as well, and it has been nice to discuss it with them! I'm going to give Kid Normal by Greg James and Chris Smith next. 

Have a great weekend!


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