
Primary School


Class 2 Blog


Remote Learning Wednesday 17th June 2020

Posted: Jun 16, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! I hope that you are OK today.  Thank you for sending me your lovely Platypus paragraphs, they really are wonderful and I know Miss H was really impressed with them too. She loves the message that the Platypus is sending and will do some PSHE work on the theme tomorrow. So we had time to do our standing long jumps yesterday - have a look at them here:

Miss H

Mrs B

Who do you think is the winner?!

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Find halves, thirds, and quarters of amounts.

  • 73 add 11 = ?
  • Which number is odd? 6, 17, 28, 16, 40?
  • 45 minus 25 = ?
  • Half of 18
  • What number is 5 more than 67?
  • Make 70p with 4 coins


Look at this number sentence:

 1/2 of □ = □

Think, and then discuss with your adult what numbers complete this number sentence.

Look at this:  1/2 of 5 = 10. Now you be the teacher. Is this correct?

Repeat with 1/4 of □ = □, and share your ideas. Have you noticed how the number in the first box is 4 times the number in the second box?

Look at this:  1/3 of 12 = 6. Now you be the teacher again. Is this correct?

Now write your own numbers to accurately fill the boxes:

1/3 of □ = □.

Have a look at these fraction problems:

Now have a go at this build a fraction game:

 build a fraction


Can you retell the story of ‘Why Platypus is such a special creature’? See if you can talk it through with your adult without forgetting any of the main parts. If you need to look back at the story to help you, then do. If you think back to question 8 from yesterday, you’ll see the main 6 parts of the story.

Today I’d like to start to rewrite the story in comic strip form. You can download a template here. It has 6 main boxes for your illustration to each of the 6 parts. You could use speech bubbles with the characters in your drawings and then write about the scene underneath. Try to make your sentences exciting, with different starts. Only do three parts today (The Creator made the Mammals, the Fish and the Birds, The Mammals asked Platypus to join them, The fish asked the Platypus to join them) and we’ll finish the rest on Friday.


LO: What are the stories about Jesus healing and caring for people?

What do you already know about the life of Jesus. What did he do? What did he say? Who did he spend time with? What did he teach us about how to live our lives?

Have a look at this clip:

This is the same story here:

Feeding the 5000 – Matthew 14:14-21; Mark 6:33-44; John 6:1-14

A large group of people followed Jesus into the mountains. Jesus taught them all day. When the sun started to set, the disciples realised that the people had not eaten and could not easily return to the city to get food. Jesus asked Philip where they could buy food. Philip said that even if they had a store to buy food from, they did not have enough money for all the people. But Jesus already knew what He was going to do.

Jesus then asked if anyone had food that they could share. Another disciple, Andrew, brought a boy’s lunch to Jesus. It had five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus took the bread and fish and prayed over them. He then gave the food to his disciples who started passing it out to the people.

Amazingly, as they handed out the food they still had more left. They continued to give out the food until all the people had eaten all they wanted. When they gathered the unused food back together they had 12 baskets of bread left!

After reading the story and watching the clip, discuss these questions:

  • Why were they there listening to Jesus?
  • What was the journey like on the way there?
  • Which words describe the actions of Jesus?
  • Imagine you are the boy with the loaves of bread. What would you say to Jesus when you gave him the bread? What do you think Jesus would say to you?
  • Imagine that you are one of the people picking up the scraps that were left over. How would you feel when you realised there had been enough food for everyone?

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep smiling!

Mrs B x


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