
Primary School


Class 1 Blog 



14.5.21 Week in Review

Posted: May 14, 2021 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 1

I'm going to open this post with these lovely painting done in class one! 

We are using plants and spring to do lots of lovely work in science and art at the moment! It feels like summer is just around the corner!

We were trying to use lots of control whilst painting these flowers. We used the very tip of the brush to start out the petals and used different brush techniques to create leaves, stems and the rest of the flowers. 

In science, we are monitoring some geranium seeds we planted and thought about different types of garden plants that we might use in our own gardens!

Time for plant watch:

In Maths, fractions has been the focus. We have halved and quartered shapes and started working on doing the same to numbers! See Mathletics for some lovely fraction tasks! 

In English and Geography we have been learning all about London! Today the children had a look at some facts about famous landmarks, such as, the London Eye, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben! They also worked their socks off writing gorgeous descriptions about the sites and sounds of London using some videos and audio to get inspiration.

It has been a busy week but we have had fun!

Have a lovely weekend! 


Mr. H. 


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