
Primary School


Class 1 Blog 



Wednesday 6th May 2020

Posted: May 6, 2020 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 1

Morning all,

Here is today's list of suggested activities:

- GoNoodle - 

- Phonics - 

Today's sounds of focus is: 'wr' 

This is another sound with a silent part! You only sound out 'r'.

Have a go at these words using your 'Fre fingers'!


- Maths -

Today, you are going to explore the concept of doubling.

Doubling can be explained in many ways, adding the same again to something, multiplying by two or grouping and making another equal group.

I would like you to use a mirror today. Stand in front of it and show the mirror a number from 1 - 5 using your fingers. The mirror will reflect your number and now you will have your hand and the hand in the mirror. Count both sets of fingers to find out what double the number you started with is! For example: If I showed the mirror two fingers, it would show me two fingers as well. So double 2 is 4!

Have a go at doubling the numbers shown here.

Afterward, try exploring this reasoning challenge.

Double 2 or double 6? Which is easier and why?

Show me some even numbers doubled.
Show me some odd numbers doubled.

- Break - 

- English - 

Write me some interesting sentences about what your portmanteau creature gets up to each day and draw a picture underneath each one.

You could use some of the time phrases we use in school such as, first, next, then, after that, later, in the end, finally.

What does your creature do when they wake up? What do they have to eat? Where do they go? What do they see? What activities do they like doing?

- Lunch - 

- ICT -

Log onto Purple Mash

Remind children how to open 2Calculate in 2dos and open a blank spreadsheet. 

Show children where the Image toolbox is. They need to click on the images tab on the right-hand side.

You will see a selection of coin images which will be useful later but for now, click on the ‘Set Image’ button to open the following screen.

Today we are going to be using clipart. Click on the clipart button to open the clipart picker.

Show the children the different choices of topics and go to the animals option (children could choose other items if they wish). 

Select an animal and click on the OK button to add it to the spreadsheet. Add 2 further animals in the same way in different cells. You could show children that if they select more than one cell when
adding images then they will get multiple copies of the same image.

Explore inserting clip art pictures into the spreadsheet.

Thank you for all the hard work you are doing at home!

Cheers and stay safe! 

Mr. H.



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