
Primary School


Class 4 Blog


Thursday 18th June 2020

Posted: Jun 17, 2020 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 4

Good morning you lovely lot!  How are you all doing?  Don't forget that you can go on our Padlet page to put up any lovely activities and fun things that you are doing.  I have been in school again today.  It is so lovely to hear noise back in the building again, but we are all missing you.


I loved your performance poetry yesterday.  I thought that today you could become poets yourself.  Charlie M (thank you) reminded me of another of my favourites this morning - Spike Milligan.  He was a very funny man who wrote some very silly poems.  Here is a link to one call Ning Nang Nong!

Today I would like you to write a poem of your own to perform.  Your poem can be about anything you would like.  It can be serious, emotional, funny, nonsense or silly.  Write your poem down and send them in!  I can't wait to read them.  You will have another job with these tomorrow!


Here are another few problems for you to work on.

Well done with all of your maths.  I will post the answers tomorrow.

Here is yesterdays puzzle answer:


In Art earlier this week, you looked at columns.  In Science I wondered if you could have a go at making your own columns.  Can you use paper or card to build some columns.  See if you can build a strong structure and can it hold any weights on top?  How strong are your columns?

Some of these columns have been around for hundreds of years and more!  They are so strong and decorative, you could decorate yours too.

Don't forget to keep reading everyday and let us know what you are reading.  I know lots of you are reading and have finished the Harry Potter books.  

Well done everyone again

Love Miss Watkins and the Year 4 Team



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