
Primary School


Class 6


1st April Update - Benji and Eva

Posted: Apr 1, 2022 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 6


This week in year six, we have been learning about an amazing palaeontologist called Mary Anning.  Did you know the famous tongue twister, ‘she sells sea shells on the sea shore,’ was actually about Mary Anning?  She, with her brother, were the first people to find a fossilised dinosaur called the Ichthyosarus.  On Monday, Lily T brought in her unusual pet – a praying mantis – called Minnie.  In science this week, we learnt about the meaning of natural selection, to do this we did an experiment using different equipment (pegs, tweezers, scissors and a tea spoon).  We used these to see how easy it was to pick up grains of rice, this shows us that birds’ beaks have evolved over time by changing the way they eat.  In art, we used different types of art textures involving sponges, toothpicks, paintbrushes (both ends) and of course our fingers, which we all enjoyed!


This week’s blog has been written by Eva and Benjamin.


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