
Primary School


Class 6


Week ending Friday 16th July

Posted: Jul 15, 2021 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

We have spent this week in full on planning and rehearsal mode, getting ready for the first outdoor Leavers' Assembly that this school has ever seen. Playscripts are becoming plays, 'prosody' (top word) and voice projection are being practised and all is going to plan...

In between times, we have done a project on our own planet, creating fact-files, information and artwork to back up the science that we have studied in upper key stage 2.

We have also engaged in the annual Y5 v Y6 rounders match, which was a fantastic spectacle of sportsmanship and talent - backed up with humour and skill. 

This has been such an enjoyable year, despite everything we have all endured - next week will be quite emotional for all of us.


Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend!

Mr C, Mrs J and the year 6 team.


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