
Primary School



Home learning Monday 6th July

Posted: Jul 5, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Good morning fabulous year 3!

I hope you've all had a fantastic weekend and had lots of fun.

Here are your activities for today;


I wondered if today you might like to learn some dance moves! Here's a link to 'KIDZ BOP'; it includes lots of fun dance videos you might like to join in with! Alternatively, take the gentle option and try yoga again.


8 questions;

1. ¼ of 36 (so, how many 4's in 36?)

2. 1/3 of 21 (so, how many 3's in 21?)

3. 1/5 of 30

4. 1/8 of 40

5. 542 – 128

6. 348 + 226

7. 45 x 5

8. 655 divided by 5


Today I'd like you to work on column subtraction. Do remember that if you can't subtract from the digit above you need to 'exchange' from the next column (ie 'borrow a ten'). Please can you complete the 2 activities I've set you on 'Mathletics'. If you don't have time to do both just select one. (NB You will need to have a piece of paper with you to help you calculate the answers using columns).


Last week I asked year 2 if they had any questions they would like to ask you all about class 3. They are feeling a bit nervous and have a few burning questions. Here are some of them;


Other questions have included;

Is Mrs Matthews fun?

Does Mrs Matthews like coffee and chocolate cake?

Do you do lots of P.E?

Your activity;

Please could you write a short letter to year 2 to tell them about what to expect in class 3 and to answer some of their questions. Remember to impress them with your neat, joined writing and super spellings and punctuation!! I'll post your letters on the blog to year 2 tomorrow- they will love to see your letters back to them!


Dictionary Challenge:

Please can you use a dictionary to locate these words. Please can you tell me the definition of the word given in the dictionary and also the page number you found it on. Don't worry if you don't get time to do them all, just try as many as you can!

  1. Harbour
  2. Quay
  3. Tide
  4. Legend
  5. Myth
  6. Cliff
  7. Mountain
  8. Valley

Have a great day and have fun! Don't worry if you are unable to complete all the activities; just do what you feel you have time for.

Enjoy your activities for Mrs Kendall and Watkins and I'll be in touch on Wednesday. Please send me photos of your letters for year 2 as soon as you can so I can post them on Tuesday if possible.

Thank you so much for all your fabulous hard work!

Love from,

Mrs Matthews x


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