
Primary School



Day 2 Tuesday 24.3.20

Posted: Mar 24, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Good morning fantastic year 3!

Here goes...... let's have some fun!

Our timetable for today; (please don't panic if you don't manage to do absolutely everything as I know Mum or Dad may be busy with brothers and sisters, breakfast, lunch and tea etc too!! Have a go at as many of the tasks as you can though and you never know you may complete them all! Remember too that the timetable is only to guide you; change the order to suit yourselves (except Joe Wicks- he's live)!!

09.00 P.E. Let's get our brains ready for the day!!

09.30 PSHE; let's get positive!

09.30 Music

10.40 Playtime

11.00 Computing

12.00 Lunchtime

1.00pm Maths

2.00pm Literacy

3.00pm Storytime!!

09.00 P.E.

Join 'Joe Wicks' Kids Workout' (YouTube) and have fun stimulating your body and brain!! Try it every day! I'll be joining in too!

09.30 Music

Listen to your favourite piece of music. Perhaps you could make up your own creative dance to it too! Can you tell me why you like it? List the reasons why you like it so much; is it the tempo, pitch or rhythm perhaps, maybe the instruments used or maybe some other reason?

10.00 PSHE positivity; pass a smile around your family (just like we do in class)! Now tell each member of your family something you admire or particularly like about them. Can they tell you something positive about you? I know there'll be too many positive things to think of!

10.40 Playtime!!!

11.00 Computing

Miss Hemingway and yourselves have been working on 'Word' documents in ICT. Could you use 'Word' to create a short document to tell me all about your favourite hobbies or interests or perhaps your fabvourite game or film. You could change the font size and the colour of the text and also insert some pictures. It doesn't need to be a long piece but just enough to practise your super skills!

12.00 Lunchtime!!

13.00 Maths;

Try 'Timestables Rockstars' again this afternoon if you like (or practise the 3x and 4x tables). You'll find it less tricky as we've changed the settings to ensure only the timestables we've been working on are included. If it's too tricky, don't worry, keep practising!

8 questions;

  1. 638 + 40
  2. 896 - 60
  3. 543 + 118
  4. 762 - 127
  5. 1/3 of 15 (remember to divide by the 3)!!
  6. How many mm in 3cm?
  7. 2L 300g + 1L 400g
  8. How many pairs of parallel lines in a square?

Activity; Practise converting pounds to pence and vice versa, eg £1.50 = 150p, £3.54 = 354p, 450p = £4.50

Now try the activity I've added to your pack, but do remember to work on A if you normally do. Try B if you feel happy to or C if you need the challenge! PLEASE DON'T FEEL YOU HAVE TO DO EVERY QUESTION IN YOUR COLUMN!! Have a go at 10 and see how you go! Here's a copy (but it should be in your pack);

Good luck!

2.00pm Literacy;

Remember our 'Into the Forest' story?

You can listen to it being read on the internet (not quite as exciting as I read it though!!).

Can you create a colourful story map to remind you of the main events? Draw some boxes using a ruler and create a map. Have fun!!

3.00pm Share a story with an adult or big sister or brother!

Don't forget to read aloud to an adult every day too!!

Hope you all have a great day. Look after each other and enjoy being together!

Miss you all already!

Mrs Matthews


Rebecca Casey Mar 25, 2020

Isla wrote that herself bless her - thank you for all the work she’s been doing it each day and enjoying it too but think she misses her friends and the school environment x

Carrie Martin Mar 24, 2020

We have manage to keep up to all work provided ....but tomorrow will be doing work on taking time for them selfs (well - being - crafty days, games etc) as that's what my oldest is doing on Wednesdays so can't do for one and not the other. They have done amazing with the change and would like it to stay that way until were all back to normal. Very helpful with our daily tasks as can keep on track easier. Keep safe all and see you all soon. Carrie and Romeo

Elaine Mar 24, 2020

Aww! I miss you all too Isla! Let's all keep our fingers tightly crossed that we will all be back together in class 3 sooner than we think! Mrs M

Becca casey Mar 24, 2020

Isla misses school

Rebecca Casey Mar 24, 2020

Hi Isla misses school